
WTP has partnered with multiple providers across the country to help you manage suppliers and vendors through web-based vendor management software that allows you to manage all stages including: initial registration, ongoing performance assessment, recording nonconformances, implementing corrective/preventative actions (CAPAs) and tracking results.

  • Track, report and archive all nonconformance details including product ID, category, severity, description and more.
  • Categorize and search vendors by company name, vendor type, status, location, vendor number, performance rating.
  • Trigger escalating email notifications to employees and vendors for pending and overdue vendor-related tasks to ensure task completion and compliance.
  • Rate suppliers and vendors based on multiple criteria, generate reports and view performance dashboards to easily identify top performing and underachieving vendors.
  • Report on the contributing factors and root causes of vendor nonconformances to mitigate risk and future incidents.

For more information call us at 800.737.4430 or contact us online.